Healthy Tips for Seniors in Honor of World Mental Health Day

Monday October 10, 2022
Categories: General, In The News
Tags: Health, Mental Health

Healthy Tips for Seniors in Honor of World Mental Health Day

More and more emphasis is being placed on the importance of mental health in today’s world. And Oct. 10 is recognized as World Mental Health Day, an observance designed to make mental health and well-being for a global priority, according to the World Health Organization (WHO).


In honor of this observance, Fellowship Square offers tips for seniors and their caregivers on how to prioritize mental health and well-being.


According to WHO, the pandemic has taken a toll on people’s mental health as a whole and continues to do so. The site states: “The COVID-19 pandemic has created a global crisis for mental health, fueling short- and long-term stresses and undermining the mental health of millions. Estimates put the rise in both anxiety and depressive disorders at more than 25% during the first year of the pandemic. At the same time, mental health services have been severely disrupted and the treatment gap for mental health conditions has widened.”


Seniors that were isolated during that time may have been even more impacted in a number of ways as they were not able to visit with family and friends and perhaps put off wellness visits to avoid contact. However, in the wake of the pandemic, there are many things seniors (and people of all ages) can do to boost their mental health and wellness. 


Dr. Daniel Amen is on a mission to end mental illness by helping people improve their brain health. In an article on Creativity at Work he suggests multiple ways to do so including:


Protect the Brain — from injury, pollution, sleep deprivation, and stress

Feed the Brain — enjoy lean proteins, complex carbs, and foods rich in omega 3 fatty acids such as large cold water fish including tuna and salmon, walnuts and Brazil nuts, and olive and canola oils

Kill the ANTs — shut down automatic negative thoughts. “You do not have to believe every thought that does into your head,” he states. “Develop an internal anteater to hunt down and devour the negative thoughts that are ruining your life.”

Work the Brain — “The more you use it, the more you can use it,” he says. Learning something new is a great way to do this.


The Cleveland Clinic suggests prioritizing mental health by “taking small windows of opportunity for self-care throughout the day... to improve our everyday mental health day by day.” A few of the activities the article suggests includes:

Breathing Exercises


Listening to Quiet Music

Practicing Yoga

Going for a walk in nature or around the neighborhood

Taking a Bath


The article also states that asking for help is a vital piece of the puzzle. Whether talking to a spouse, going to a professional counselor, or seeking another form of therapy, it’s important to reach out and get the help needed to improve one’s mental health. 

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